
Siv Sofia Gustafsson, born Ström on February 26, 1943 in Stockholm is a Swedish Economist.

She is the daughter of Nils Ström and Florries Andersson. She graduated from the Stockholm School of Economics in 1967 and defended her thesis to become a doctor of Economics in 1976. She was employed 1967-1980 at Industriens utredningsinstitut from 2006 renamed Institutet för näringslivsforskning. In two months periods she was a visiting scholar at Columbia University New York in 1979 and 1982 on invitation by Jacob Mincer, at Chicago University 1985 and 1987 on invitation by Gary Becker and at Wissenschaftszentrum, Västberlin in 1985 and 1986 on invitation by Günther Schmid. She was employed at the Demographic Section at the University of Stockholm in 1984 and at Arbetslivscentrum 1980-1983 and 1985-1989. She was a professor of Economics at Universiteit van Amsterdam 1989-2008.

Her research is in Economic Demography and Labor Economics with a gender perspective.

In the summer of 1979 she was an editorial writer at the biggest Swedish Newspaper Dagens Nyheter. During the 1980s she was active in Fredrika Bremerförbundet and gave talks about her research around the country to local member organizations and to Kvinnor Kan fairs. Her activities resulted in about 100 newspaper clippings.

At the Universiteit van Amsterdam, Gustafsson gave courses for the last year of the Economics bachelor program in Population Economics and Labor Economics to students from all over the world. She was the doctoral thesis adviser of 8 women who gained their Ph.D:s of Economics, two of whom became professors of Economics.

Gustafsson was active in the European Society for Population Economics and was elected president and organized the yearly conference in Amsterdam in 1998 and gave her presidential address in Torino in 1999.

Those of her articles that appeared in international refereed journals are available at RePEc.

by Professor S. S. Gustafsson 1971-2008

1. Research in Swedish

- title translated into English in parentheses

1. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1971, in Svensk Industri under 70talet med utblick mot 80talet (Swedish Industry in the 70's with a view of the 80's) by Lars Nabseth et al., chapters 3 and 6.

2. Gustafsson, Siv S., and Nabseth, Lars, 1972, Kommentar till Svenska Gjuteriföreningens branschutredning (Comments on the Ironworks Industry), supplement no. 6.

3. Gustafsson, Siv S.,1975, En annorlunda presentation av statstjänstemannastatistiken (A Different Presentation of the Government Salary Statistics), Statistisk Tidskrift, no. 4.

4. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1975, Kvinnors låga löner, Ekonomisk Debatt, no. 8.

5. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1976, Lönebildning och lönestruktur inom den statliga sektorn (Determination and Structure of Salaries in the Government Sector of Sweden, with a 25 pages summary in English), The Industrial Institute for Economic and Social Research, Stockholm, 260 pages, doctoral dissertation.

6. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1976, Daghemmen och lönsamheten

(Childcare Profitability), Personaltjänst, no. 8.

6b. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1976, Kvinnans villkor i arbetslivet. Debatt 1976 mellan Karin Ahrland, förste länsassessor, ordförande i Fredrika Bremerförbundet, Siv Gustafsson, civilekonom, Industriens Utredningsinstitut, Bengt K Å Johansson, tf statssekreterare i Arbetsmarknadsdepartementet, Cecilia Nettelbrandt, tredje vice talman, ordförande Bo Sigheden, redaktör vid Sveriges Radio, s. 167-200 i Vårt ekonomiska läge, Sparfrämjandets förlagsaktiebolag, Lidköping.

7. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1977, Förvärvsfrånvarons kostnader (Costs of Labor Force Interruptions), Ekonomisk Debatt, no. 8.

8. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1977, En handbok om lönesystem, lönestatistik och förhandlingar. Jämförelser mellan den offentliga och den privata sektorn (A Handbook on Wage Setting Systems, Wage Statistics and Negotiations in the Private and Public Sectors), Confederation of Swedish Employers, SAF.

9. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1978, Löneskillnader mellan män och kvinnor, en ekonometrisk analys (Wage Differentials Between Men and Women, An Econometric Analysis), Statistisk Tidskrift, no. 3.

10. Gustafsson, Siv S., and Lindvall, Jan, 1978, Kunskapsöverföring genom personalomsättning från flygindustriell till annan verksamhet (Human Capital Transfer by Labor Mobility from Aircraft Industry to Other Industries), a study for the Committee on the Aircraft Industry (FÖ 1978:01), Stockholm.

11. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1978, Är det fortfarande antingen eller? (Is it still either or?), in Personal, människor och arbete, no. 3.

12. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1979, Arbetskraftsutbud och jämställdhet mellan kvinnor och män (Labor Supply and Equality Between Men and Women at Work), 39 pages in Axell, Gustafsson, Holmlund and Horwitz, Utrikeshandel, inflation och arbetsmarknad, Specialstudier för IUI: s långtidsbedömning 1979, Del I, The Industrial Institute for Economic and Social Research, Stockholm.

13. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1979, En statistisk analys av hemmafrurollens omfattning under 17årsperioden 19691976 (A Statistical Analysis of the Extent of Housewiving during the 17year period 19691976) in Kvinnors arbete, En rapport från Jämställdhetskommittén, Supplement 4, SOU1979:80, Stockholm, s. 303-318.

13b. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1981, Kvinnan tjänar för lite pengar. I Kvinnan och ekonomin, Affärsbolaget, Stockholm, s. 87-91.

14. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1981, Strukturproblem på arbetsmarknaden (Structural Problems in the Labor Market), in Dokumentation från ett seminarium kring arbetsmarknadspolitisk forskning, EFA, Arbetsmarknadsdepartementet.

15. Gustafsson, Siv S., Gladh, Lillemor, and Lundgren, Inga-Britt, 1981, En samhällsekonomisk analys av frånvaro (An Economic Analysis of Absenteeism), Arbetslivscentrum,
arbetsrapport no. 46.

16. Gustafsson, Siv S.,1981, Jämställdhet i arbetslivet, Forskningslägesrapport (Research Review on Equality Between Women and Men in the Workplace), Center for Worklife Studies, Arbetslivscentrum, Stockholm.

17. Gustafsson, Siv S., Kazamaki, Eugenia, and Sepällä, Eeva, 1982, Regionala kostnader  och löner, en statistisk analys med speciell hänsyn till Målareförbundets förhållanden (Regional Costs and Wages, a Statistical Analysis with Special References to the Conditions for Painters), Arbetslivscentrum, Stockholm.

18. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1983, Kvinnors låga löner  kunskapskapital eller diskriminering (Women's Low Wages, Are They Due to Discrimination or Lack of Human Capital?), in Mats Lundahl and Inga PerssonTanimura (eds.), Kvinnan i ekonomin, Tillämpad samhällsekonomi, no. 7 (The Woman in the Economy, Applied Economics, no. 7), Liber.

19. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1984, Samhällsekonomi, kommunekonomi och familjeekonomi i bedömning av daghemmens effekter (Economics of the Commmunity, the Family and the Whole Society in Judging Costs and Benefits of Childcare), Ekonomisk Debatt, no. 2, 1982. Also in Debatten om daghemmens kostnader, Arbetslivscentrum, and in Edebalk (ed.), Förvaltningsekonomi, Ekonomi under Debatt, Liber.

20. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1985, Arbete och löner. Ekonomiska teorier

och fakta kring skillnader mellan kvinnor och män (Wages and Work Economic Theories and Facts about Sex Differentials), The Industrial Institute for Economic and Social Research and Arbetslivscentrum, Stockholm, 1985. First half of chapter 4 reproduced in Den könsuppdelade arbetsmarknaden. Exempel från  kvinnoforskningen vid arbetslivscentrum, (The Sex Segregated Labor Market. Sample from Women's Research at the Centre for Worklife Studies), June 1985.

21. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1987, Lika lön för likvärdigt arbete  Hur kan man uppnå det? (Equal Wage for Work of Equal Value. How can that be achieved?), Kvinnovetenskaplig Tidskrift, no.1.

22. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1988, Löneskillnader mellan kvinnor och män vid FOA (Wage Differentials Between Women and Men at FOA), FOA rapport (Defense Research Report), D 600140.1.

23. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1988, Löneskillnader mellan kvinnor och män  gapet ökar igen (Wage Differentials Between Women and Men: The Gap increases again), Ekonomisk Debatt, no. 3. Reprinted i Björklund, Anders, och Wadensjö, Eskil, 1989, Arbetsmarknadsekonomi, Ekonomi under debatt, SNS förlag, Stockholm.

24. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1990, Daghemsavgifter och Kvinnors yrkesarbete (Daycare Subsidies and Women's Labor Supply), chapter 4 in Klevmarken, N.A. (ed.), Tid och råd. Om hushållens ekonomi, The Industrial Institute for Economic and Social Research, Stockholm.

25. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1990, Inkomstskatter och jämställdhet. En jämförelse mellan Sverige och Västtyskland (Income Taxes and Equal Opportunity. A comparison between Sweden and West Germany), Chapter 9 in Klevmarken, N.A. (ed.), Tid och råd. Om hushållens ekonomi, The Industrial Institute for Economic and Social Research, Stockholm.

26. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1991, Ekonomisk teori för tvåförsörjarfamiljen (Economic Theory for the two earner family), Ekonomisk Debatt, no. 4.

27. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1997, Feministisk politik och ekonomisk effectivitet, in Löfström, Åsa (red.), Lönepolitik och kvinnors löner, FRN, 1997, no. 4, s. 89-108.

28. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1997, Familjepolitik och yrkesverksamhet bland kvinnor som fött barn - en internationell jämförelse, in Stark, Agneta (red.), Ljusnande framtid eller ett långt farväl? Den svenska välfärdsstaten i jämförande belysning, SOU 1997:115, Stockholm, s. 143-173.

2. Research in other languages than English or Swedish

- title translated into English in parentheses.

29. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1991, Neoklassische ökonomische Theorien und die Lage der Frau: Ansätze und Ergebnisse zu Arbeitsmarkt, Haushalt und der Geburt von Kindern (Neoclassical Economic Theories and Women’s Situation. Approaches and Results concerning the Labor Market, Households and Childbearing), in Karl Ulrich Mayer, Jutta Allmendinger and Johannes Huinink (Hg.), Vom Regen in die Traufe: Frauen zwischen Beruf und Familie, Campus Verlag Frankfurt/New York, pp.408-421.

30. Gustafsson, Siv S., and Bruyn-Hundt, Marga, 1991, De individualisering van belasting - en premieheffing (Individualization of Taxation and Social Security Contributions), in Economische Statistische Berichten, August 7, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

31. Gustafsson, Siv S., and Bruyn-Hundt, Marga, 1992, Individualisering en solidariteit in het inkomensbeleid in Zweden en Nederland (Individualization and Solidarity in Income Tax Policy in Sweden and the Netherlands), in Kloosterman, Robert en Knaack, Ruud (red.), Het Nederlandse Model. Kansen en bedreigingen van de verzorgingsstaat, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam.

32. Gustafsson, Siv S., Bruyn-Hundt, Marga, Pott-Buter, Hettie, 1992, Emancipatie-economie (Economics of Gender), in M.M.G.Fase en I.van der Zijpp (red.), Samenleving en economie in de twintigste eeuw, Stenfert Kroese Uitgevers, Leiden.

33. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1993, Getrennte Besteuerung und subventionierte Kinderbetreuung. Warum schwedische Frauen häufiger erwerbstätig sind als Frauen in Deutschland, den Niederlanden und den USA, in Grözinger, Gerd, Renate Schubert und Jürgen Backhaus (red.), Jenseits von Diskriminierung. Zu den instutionellen Bedingungen weiblicher Arbeit in beruf und Familie, Metropolis-Verlag, Marburg.

34. Gustafsson, Siv S., Velzen van, Susan, 1994, Kinderopvang in drie verzorgingsstaten: Nederland, Zweden en de Verenigde Staten, in Maassen van den Brink and Tijdens (ed.), Emancipatie en economie. Is Nederland inmiddels een land waar vrouwen willen wonen?, Het Spinhuis, Amsterdam.

35. Gustafsson, Siv S., Maassen Brink van den, Henriëtte, 1995, Het individu en zijn vrouw: economie en feminisme, in Feminisme en Wetenschap, Prometeus, Teleac, Utrecht/Amsterdam.

36. Gustafsson, Siv S., Maassen Brink van den, Henriëtte, and Groot, Wim, 1995, Kinderopvang tussen  markt en overheid (Childcare between market and government), Nationaal Vakbondsmuseum, Welboom, Amsterdam.

36 B. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1998, Genderekonomie doceren op Sicilië, Jaerboek 1998 von de Universiteit van Amsterdam, Reizigers, Vossiuspers AUB.

37. Gustafsson, Siv S., 2005, Impacto de género de los impuestos sobre la renta. Desincentivos al trabajo de las mujeres casadas producidos por la tributación conjunta. En Maria Pazos Morán, dirección, Politica fiscal y género, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, Madrid.

37 B. Gustafsson, Siv S., 2008, Restricciones económicas para constituir una familia. En Pazos Morán, María, dirección, Economía e igualdad de género: retos de la hacienda pública en el siglo XXI, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, Madrid.

3. Research in English

38. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1978, Cost Benefit Analysis of Early Childhood Care and Education, mimeo, OECD, Paris.

39. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1981, Male Female Lifetime Earnings Differentials and Labor Force History, 33 pages, in Eliasson, Holmlund, and Stafford, eds., Studies in Labor Market Behavior, Sweden and the United States, The Industrial Institute for Economic and Social Research, Conference Reports, Stockholm.

39 B. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1981, Commentary on Nelson S.C. and Breman, An Equity Perspective on Community Cotleys Finance. In Bowman, Mary Jean, ed., Symposium on Collective Choice in Education, Public Choice, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 533-534.

40. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1983, Lifetime Patterns of Labor Force Participation, in Burton Weisbrod and Helen Hughes (eds.), Human Resources, Employment and Development. vol. 3: Problems of Developed Countries and the International Economy, Proceedings of the Sixth International World congress of the International Economic Association held in Mexico City, 1980.

41. Gustafsson, Siv S., Leighton, Linda, 1984, Differential Patterns of

Unemployment in Sweden, in Ronald Ehrenberg, ed., Research in Labor Economics, vol. 6, Cornell University, Greenwich, Connecticut, pp. 251-285.

42. Gustafsson, Siv S., Leighton, Linda, 1984, Labor Market Policies and Differential Patterns of Unemployment in Sweden, in Neumann and N.C. WestergårdNielsen (eds.), Studies in Labor Market Dynamics, proceedings from a conference in Sandbjerg, Denmark, August 1982, Springer Verlag, Berlin.

43. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1984, Equal Opportunity Policies in Sweden, in G. Schmid and Renate Weitzel (eds.), Sex Discrimination and Equal Opportunity. The Labour Market and Employment Policy, Wissenschaftzentrum, West Berlin and Gower Publishing Company, England, pp.132-154.

44. Gustafsson, Siv S., and Jacobsson, Roger, 1985, Trends in Female Labor Force Participation in Sweden, in Journal of Labor Economics, vol.3, no.1, part 2, January 1985, pp. 256-274. Download publication

45. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1985, Institutional Environment and the Economics of Female Labor Force Participation and Fertility. A Comparison Between Sweden and West Germany, Discussion papers IIM/LMP 859, Wissenschaftszentrum, Berlin.

46. Gustafsson, Siv S., Ott, Notburga, 1987, Demographic Change, Labor Force Participation of Married Women and the Effect of Separate Versus Joint Taxation of Earnings in West Germany and Sweden, Arbeitspapier no. 241, Sonderforschungsbereich 3, J. W. Goethe Universität Mannheim.

47. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1990, The Labor Force Participation and Earnings of Lone Parents. A Swedish Case Study with Comparisons to Germany, in Lone-Parent Families, The Economic Challenge, OECD, Paris.

48. Gustafsson, Siv S., and Willis, Robert J., 1990, Interrelations between the Labor Market and Demographic Change, in H. Birg and R.Mackensen (eds.), Demographic Impact of Political Action, Campus Verlag Frankfurt/New York, pp. 125-144.

49. Gustafsson, Siv S., Löfström, Åsa, 1991, Policy Changes and Women's Wages in Sweden, in Willborn, Steven L. (ed.), Stability and Change in Six Industrialized Countries, International Review of Comparative Public Policy, vol.3, pp. 313-330.

50. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1991, Gender perspectives on demographic behaviour, in Perspectives on Demographic Behaviour, PDOD-Paper no. 1, Proceedings of the Symposium on the occasion of the official opening of the Graduate School of Research in Demography, Amsterdam, November 5, 1990.

51. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1991, Half the Power, Half the Incomes and Half the Glory, the Use of Microeconomic Theory in Women's Emancipation research, De Economist 139, no. 4, pp. 515-529.

52. Gustafsson, Siv S., and Bruyn-Hundt, Marga, 1991, Incentives for Women to Work., A Comparison between The Netherlands, Sweden and West Germany, Journal of Economic Studies, vol.18, no. 5/6, pp. 30-65.

53. Gustafsson, Siv S., and Stafford, Frank, 1992, Daycare Subsidies and Labor Supply in Sweden, Journal of Human Resources, Winter 1992, vol.27, no.1, pp. 204-230.

54. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1992, Separate Taxation and Married Women's Labor Supply, A comparison between West Germany and Sweden, Journal of Population Economics, 5:61-85, pp. 61-85.

55. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1992, Cohort Size and Female Labor Supply, European Journal of Population, vol.8, no.1, pp.1-21.

56. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1994, Childcare and Types of Welfare States, in Sainsbury, Diane (ed.), Gendering Welfare States, Sage Publications, London, pp. 45-62.

57. Gustafsson, Siv S., Stafford, Frank, 1994, Three Regimes of Childcare: the United States, the Netherlands and Sweden, in Blank, Rebecca (ed.), Social Protection versus Economic Flexibility: Is there a Trade-off? NBER and Chicago University Press, pp. 333-363.

58. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1995, Public Policies and Women's Labor Force Participation: A Comparison of Sweden, the Netherlands and Germany, in Schultz, T.Paul (ed.), Investment in Women's Human Capital, The University of Chicago Press.

59. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1995, Single Mothers in Sweden: Why is Poverty less severe?, in McFate, Lawson and Wilson, Poverty, Inequality and the Future of Social Policy, Western States in the New World Order, Russel Sage Foundation, New York.

60. Gustafsson, Siv S., Dex, Shirley, Smith, Nina, and Callan, Tim, 1995, Cross-National Comparisons of the Labour Force Participation of Women Married to Unemployed Men, Oxford Economic Papers, no. 47, pp. 611-635.

61. Gustafsson, Siv S., and Stafford, Frank, 1995, Links between early childhood programs and maternal employment in three countries. The Future of Children. Long-term outcomes of early childhood programs, vol. 5. no. 3, winter 1995, pp.161-173.

61 B. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1995, Economic Measurement, Comments on chapters by MacDonald, Perrons and Readmont, p. 223-227, in Kuiper, Edith, and Sap, Jolande (eds.), Out of the Margin, Routledge, London and New York.

62. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1996, Tax Regimes and Labor Market Performance, in Schmid, Büchtemann, O'Reilly and Schömann (eds.), International Handbook of Labour Market Policy and Policy Evaluation, Edgar Elgar Publishing Limited, Aldershot, England, pp. 811-839.

63. Gustafsson, Siv S., Wetzels, C.M.M.P., Vlasblom, J.D., and Dex, S., 1996, Women's Labor Force Transitions in Connection with Child Birth, A panel data comparison between Germany, Sweden and Great Britain, Journal of Population Economics, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 221-246.

64. Gustafsson, Siv S., and Wetzels, Cecile, 1997, Family Policies and Women's Labor Force Transitions in Connection with Child Birth, in Dunn, Thomas A., and Schwarze, Johannes (eds.), Proceedings of the 1996 Second International Conference of the German Socio-Economic Panel Study Users. Viertelsjahrhäfte, no. 1, 1997, Duncker & Humbert, Berlin, pp. 118-124.

65. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1997, Feminist Neoclassical Economics: Some Examples, in G. Dijkstra & J. Plantenga (eds.), Gender and Economics, A European Perspective, Routledge, London, pp. 36-53.

66. Gustafsson, Siv S., and Stafford, Frank, 1997, Childcare and Human Capital, in Christina Jonung and Inga Persson (eds.), Economics of the Family and Family Policies, Routledge.

67. Gustafsson, Siv S., Wetzels, Cecile, 1997, Work Career and Timing and Spacing of Births in Germany, Great Britain and Sweden, in Tijdens, K.G., A. van Doorne-Huiskes and T.M. Willemsen (eds.), Time Allocation and Gender, The Relationship between Paid Labour and Household Labour, Tilburg University Press, Tilburg.

68. Gustafsson, Siv S., Stafford, Frank, 1998, Equity-Efficiency Tradeoffs and Government Policy in the United States, the Netherlands and Sweden, in Stephen Barnett & Sarane Boocock (eds.), Early Care and Education for Children in Poverty. Promises, Programs and Long-Term Results, State University of New York Press, pp. 211 - 244.

69. Gustafsson, Siv S., 1999, Childcare subsidies and deadweight losses, CPB Report, Quarterly Review of CPB, Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis 1999, no. 2, pp. 51-54.

70. Gustafsson, Siv S., and Meulders, Danièle E., 2000 (eds.), Gender and the Labour Market. Econometric Evidence of Obstacles to Achieving Gender Equality, Applied Econometrics Association, MacMillan Press Ltd., London, 336 pp.

71. Gustafsson, Siv. S., 2000, Single Mothers in Sweden: Why is Poverty Less Severe?, reprinted in Ackerman, Frank, Goodwin, Neva R., Doughery, Laurie, and Gallagher, Kevin (eds.), The Political Economy of Inequality, Washington D.C., Island Press, also

72. Gustafsson, Siv S., and Wetzels, Cecile M.M.P., 2000, Optimal Age for First Birth: Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Sweden, in Gustafsson, Siv S., and Meulders, Danièle E. (eds.), Gender and the Labour Market, Econometric Evidence of Obstacles to Achieving Gender Equality, MacMillan Press Ltd., London, pp. 188-209.

73. Gustafsson, Siv S., Wetzels, Cecile M.M.P., and Kenjoh, Eiko, 2000, Can Postponement of Maternity in the 1990’s be Explained by Changes in Time Spent out of Market Work? Panel Data Analyses Comparing the 1990’s to the 1980’s Across Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Sweden. Working Paper.

74. Gustafsson, Siv S., 2001, Optimal Age at Motherhood. Theoretical and Empirical Considerations on Postponement of Maternity in Europe, Journal of Population Economics, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 225-247.

75. Gustafsson, Siv S., Dobbelsteen, Simone H.A.M., and Wetzels, Cecile M.M.P., 2000, Childcare in the Netherlands Between Government, Firms and Parents. Is the Deadweight Loss Smaller than in the Public Daycare System of Sweden? Mimeo, 37 pp.

76. Gustafsson, Siv S., Kenjoh, Eiko, Wetzels, and Cecile M.M.P., 2001, Does Part Time Work during Early Motherhood Lead to Regular Work Later? A Comparison of Labor Market Behavior of Mothers with Young Children in Germany, Britain, the Netherlands and Sweden, Vierteljahrsheft, no. 1, pp. 15-23.

77. Gustafsson, Siv S., Kenjoh, Eiko, and Wetzels, Cecile M.M.P., 2001, A New Crisis in European Populations. Do Modern Family Policies Help? in Pieters, D. (ed.), Confidence and Changes, Managing Social Protection in the New Millenium, Kluwer Law International, The Hague, pp. 119-141.

78. Gustafsson, Siv, S., 2001, Androcentricity in Economic Research, Teaching and Policy Formulations. Where are the Women? Mimeo, Department of Economics, University of Amsterdam.

79. Gustafsson, Siv S., 2002, Why Do People Want Children? The 1934 Theory of the Myrdals and Modern Economic Theory of Fertility, Department of Economics, University of Amsterdam. Working Paper.

79 B. Gustafsson, Siv S., 2006, Why Do People Want Children? in International Journal om Women, Social Justice and Human Rights, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 1-15.

80. Gustafsson, Siv S., Kenjoh, Eiko, Wetzels, and Cecile M.M.P., 2002, First Time Mother’s Labor Force Transitions in Britain, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden, in Hugh Mosley, Jacqueline O' Reilly and Klaus Schömann (eds.), Labour Markets, Gender and Institutional Change, Essays in Honour of Günther Schmid, Edgar Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 185-211.

81. Gustafsson, Siv. S., Kenjoh, Eiko, and Wetzels, Cecile M.M.P., 2002, The Role of Education on Postponement of Maternity in Britain, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden, in Ruspini, Elisabetta, and Dale, Angela (eds.), The Gender Dimension of Social Change, The Contribution of dynamic research to the study of women's life courses, The Policy Press, Bristol, UK, pp. 55-79.

82. Gustafsson, Siv. S, Wetzels, Cecile M.M.P. and  Kenjoh, Eiko, 2002, Postponement of Maternity and the Duration of Time Spent at Home after First Birth: Panel Data Analyses Comparing Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Sweden, OECD Labour Market and Social Policy  Occasional Papers, no. 59.

83. Gustafsson, Siv S., Kenjoh, Eiko, and Wetzels, Cecile, 2003, Employment Choices and Pay Differences between Nonstandard and Standard Work in Britain, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden, in Houseman, Susan, and Osawa, Machiko (eds.), Non-standard Work in Developed Economies, Causes and Consequences, Upjohn Institute, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA, pp. 215-266.

83 B. Gustafsson, Siv, 2003, European Fertility Developments, in The Rationale of Motherhood Choices: Influence of Employment Conditions and of Public Policies, European Commission, publication EUR 20792, State of the Art, project coordinators Danièle Meulders and Siv Gustafsson.

84. Gustafsson, Siv S., and Kenjoh, Eiko, 2004, New evidence on work among new mothers. What can trade unions do?, in Transfer European review of labour and research, ETUC, vol. 10, no 1, pp. 34-47.

84 B. Gustafsson, Siv, 2003, European Fertility Developments, inThe Rationale of Motherhood Choices: Influence of Employment Conditions and of Public Policies, European Commission, publication EUR 22025, Final report, project coordinators Danièle Meulders and Siv Gustafsson.

85. Gustafsson, Siv. S., 2005, Having Kids Later, Economic Analyses for Industrialized Countries, Review of Economics of the Household, no. 3, pp. 5-16.

86. Gustafsson, Siv S., and Seble Worku, 2005, Assortative Mating by Education and Postponement of Couple Formation and First Birth in Britain and Sweden, Review of Economics of the Household, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 91-113.

87. Gustafsson, Siv S., and Seble Worku, 2006, Assortative Mating by Education and Postponement of Couple Formation and First Birth in Britain and Sweden, in Gustafsson, S.S., and Kalwij, A. (eds. 2006), Education and Postponement of Maternity, Economic Analyses for Industrialized Countries, Springer, pp. 259-283.

88. Gustafsson Siv S., 2006, Introduction and Contributions of this Volume, in Siv Gustafsson and Adriaan Kalwij (eds. 2006), Education and Postponement of Maternity, Economic Analysis for Industrialized Countries, Springer, pp. 1-30.

89. Gustafsson, Siv S., and Kalwij, Adriaan, 2006, Fertility Decisions: Economic Theory, Empirical Analysis and Policy Relevance, ch. 2, in Siv Gustafsson and Adriaan Kalwij (eds.), Education and Postponement of Maternity. Economic Analyses for Industrialized Countries, pp. 31-64.

90. Dex, Shirley, Siv. S. Gustafsson, Andrew Jenkins, Heather Joshi, Eiko Kenjoh and Mark Killingsworth, 2005, Mothers’ Changing Labour Supply in Britain, the USA and Sweden, in Gomez-Salvador, Ramon, Ana Lamo, Barbara Petrongolo, Melanie Ward and Etienne Wasmer (eds.), Labour Supply and Incentives to Work in Europe, Cheltenham, UK, Edgar Elgar, pp. 115-150.

91. Gustafsson, Siv, and Kenjoh, Eiko, 2007, The Timing of Maternity, in Del Boca, Daniela, and Wetzels, Cecile (eds.), Social Policies, Labor Markets and Motherhood, A Comparative Analysis of European Countries, Cambridge University Press.

92. Gustafsson, Siv, and Worku, Seble, 2007, Marriage Markets

and Single Motherhood in South Africa, Working paper, Tinbergen Institute.

93. Gustafsson, Siv, Kalwij, Adriaan, and Worku, Seble, 2007,

Educational Attainment and Differences Between Population Groups in South Africa and Timing and Number of Births, Working paper, Tinbergen Institute.

94. Gustafsson, Siv, and Worku, Seble, 2007, Teenage                                      

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