Bråttom genom livet (2017, Sevéus& Co.,180 sidor)

ISBN 978-91-984624-2-5

Abstract: Rushing through life.

Arne Gustafsson wanted to experience so much. With his wife Siv Gustafsson and the two sons of the couple Magnus and Börje much could be experienced. He earned his living as a graduate engineer working at Philips in Järfälla, where the family owned a house already since Arne was 30 and his wife 24. It is for his incessant activities during his time off work that he is remembered by neighbors, workmates interested in sailing and flying and other get togethers, which he organized. During summers walking in the Jämtlandsfjällen or living on a sailing boat, sailing around Gotland, crossing the Baltic to Helsinki, down the Swedish coast to Copenhagen, motoring the Göta Canal, the boat being lifted through the many docks of the canal, away along the Norwegian coast. In the winters the family was skiing in the Jämtlandsfjällen and in the Alps. He had a motor aircraft certificate and a sailing aircraft certificate. The family travelled to Mexico, sailed the Caribbean, visited California and Washington DC. For this trip they were helped by a newly instituted bank loan for consumption, available after having saved one third of the cost before hand. There would always be ways to finance what one really wanted to do and no distance was to far to travel and no chores too difficult to perform. Arne bought a mountain cottage financed by sharing it between five families. All the planning and reservations were done by telephone. There was no internet. Arne thought that his wife had an energy saving mobility pattern as she sat down to study an economics paper for her career interest, which anyways was her hobby. Arne Gustafsson’s activities came to an abrupt end on November 27, 1988. He had taken on delta flying, lost control and crushed from 50 meters at a mountain on Lanzarote and was instantly dead. This book was written by Arne’s 45 years old widow in 1988-89. It is her mourning book and a portrait of Arne kept as a computer print in a drawer for three decades before it became a book.

IFN/IUI 1939-2009

Siv Gustafsson: ”Du är en av oss. Personliga IUI-minnen 1967-1980” (You are one of us. Personal memories from The Research Institute of Industrial Economics) kapitel 35, s. 399-420.

ISBN 978 91 7092 115 5

Föregångarna (2010, red. Kirsti Niskanen och Christina Florin, SNS)

Siv Gustafsson, “Feminist bland ekonomer och ekonom bland feminister” (A feminist among economists and an economist, among feminists) s. 143-175

ISBN 978-91-86203-16-0